How to use a 5-in-1 reflector for photography

much might do you ranjan armor from improved the charter
feed today we're gonna talk about why didn't
from the ground up as if you knew nothing uh… right now we're in a situation that
photographers shoot in all the time this is Hailey our model and you can see that
the light is really hard on her you'll see you can tell specially from
the start of the shadows on the side of her really that shadow on the other side of her
face is it goes really fast from highlights a
shadow and that's not flattering because we see that kind of unflattering
contours in our face so we're going to work first with the
5-in-1 reflector they cost about twenty dollars on amazon uh…

This is the westcott 5-in-1
reflector and I want to show you what each of the 5 sides of the reflector do the first mistake that people make is
when u when you're in harsh lighting you have people turned toward the light and if i do that here we get since
twenty and the light is very flat on her face and that's not what we want cell we're
gonna have really stands at this site with the back to the sun and we'll see how that goes ok insist
they live without in your apartment leaflets even not it's not that if not we don't have car shoppers like
we did and so we get it felt like this i'm not that we have we have a nice hair
light on the back cover during her hair popping up and waiting for but as you can see on the photo becker hoping for a full day bodyguard for one thing uh…

Exposure compensation lost one nearly three-fourths right now but the
background a little bit of a but that's alright with jonathan exicted for you to fight and one what so this time we'll try to both sides you
concede no reflector at all and the court five newsfeeds consider that the waterline dismissive
face popped up a little bit for months nicer so that's good liberal side of the reflector off five years or this is only good at that sunset shot or something like that really flight usually too much that that with too much and what will use ninety nine percent in
the time outside usable whiteside and its legal battle severely we'll
figure safely right dot and directional coming from
the side years without numerous out wilson will be might monday role never used reflector coupled with
that close to the model dot blots on it will be feeling just like that all go ahead and ship model topic reflector you can see that the white guests the
best now inside you find wonderful actor and few unzip it you'll see that you have three more
options the first is the translucent side which
actually isn't a reflective at all this is a few things if you will that like we did it's going
to do almost nothing to do but the way to use this reflectors to
come on the side of the turnaround tale if we look at it really speaks first we
have part shadows on this side and then we will book the diffuser panel looks much much cleaner and when the sun brightest on a farm
behind the plot now when the sun's brag about dislikes actually really at hurt last year options women's cities on all the way for your last few options are the silver
side blacks as the turnaround wealthy newsfeeds landscape more reflector and this is with the silver plate it's too much winners bright sunlight this is way too
much useful for the studio or on a very him lighting situation that's usually too much rose growth unnatural seven super outdoors most the time you'll be
using white and the black wild about what you think
it does is is really just to pass this to happen here in the shadow anyway but if you are
to if we put the diffusion panel year it would just cut the black shadow on one
side face which can help if you have to bright sunlight
in one spot you want to get a little bit more above
movie lighting practice how to use a five and one the
fletcher very convenient cost fifteen bucks in your set easy to
use the trouble is you have to have insisted because this can be pretty tough to hold
up that reflect your diffusion panel and do to protect yourself so those of the benefits india problems
reflective now will move on to using flash

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