BEST TELESCOPES of 2023 | High Point Scientific

What is up everybody Teagan here with High 
Point. Thank you for tuning into our video on   the best telescopes of 2023. Now before we begin 
we could take the approach of a big box retailer   or a guide-style website, and provide a list of 
the "best telescopes" of 2023 which all turn out   to be hobby killers. Now what we've decided to 
do is just cut out all of that and provide you   the top scopes in a couple of categories that 
our customers find most useful and valuable   when searching for their best telescope or 
the best telescope that fits their needs. Now High Point has been in the amateur 
astronomy community just over 20 years   so we kind of know what we're talking 
about. Our categories are as follows:   most interactive, most innovative, the 
best computerized or versatile telescope,   the best intermediate telescope, the 
best tabletop telescope, and if you wait   to the very end we will have a best overall 
telescope. Let's start with most interactive. If you follow our channel you have definitely 
seen this on one of our videos it is the   Celestron StarSense 130 DX. This is listed 
as our best interactive telescope for several   reasons.

Now this telescope uses a smartphone 
adapter and a smartphone application to help   you find nearly any deep sky object that 
you'd ever want to see in the night sky. The app's interface is extremely 
intuitive and it literally guides you  towards your object. As you move your scope 
around. Your smartphone takes a photo through   the mirror on the smartphone adapter of the stars 
and the app determines what stars these are and   it gives it a pointing location and from there it 
can guide you to whatever object that you choose. Now the design of the telescope is great 
and the tripod is really sturdy which is   hugely important when you're looking through a 
telescope because you don't want your views to   be shaky. This is a Newtonian design 
it has a 130-millimeter or a 5-inch   mirror which will allow you to see deep 
space objects, star clusters, galaxies,   etc. And the planets as well as craters 
on the moon and the lunar surface. With a manual or push-to system, this allows 
you to somewhat memorize and learn the night   sky and part of amateur astronomy is 
not just looking through a telescope,   it's knowing where these objects are, what 
constellation there is, and how to find them   quickly.

You may not even need to use the app 
eventually. If you want to just get out there   and find something quick so this telescope is 
just a fantastic option and it's going to allow   beginners to grow and build with this as they 
advance into their amateur astronomy journey. So next up is the Vaonis Vespera and this 
is another one that we have created a very   in-depth video on and it turned out 
great. The whole experience using this   telescope is awesome so definitely 
check that video out but yes this   is the most innovative telescope on our 
list and there are several reasons why. Essentially this is a completely automated astro 
imaging system that you control through an app   on your smartphone called this Singularity app. 
The Vespera is definitely the best option for   those who love astronomy and love pictures or 
photos of the night sky you know galaxies and   nebula but just don't have the time to invest in 
a dedicated imaging setup. Essentially it tracks   the objects in the night sky and constantly 
takes pictures with the internal camera and   it stacks them on top of each other to 
provide you with a beautiful colored and   detailed image.

The longer that you point your 
telescope towards an object the more colorful   and detailed that it will become as it starts to 
stack more and more photos throughout the night. The optics are designed to provide great color 
and the internal camera uses an incredibly   sensitive Sony sensor. It does have the 
ability to take both deep space photos   and lunar photos as well and these photos 
can be uploaded as raw .tiff files so if   you want to process them further in Photoshop 
or PixInsight, you have the ability to do so. The Vaonis Vespera is definitely leading the   market in smart telescopes so 
if you're interested in this,   you definitely want to check out the video that 
we made. It's a fantastic little telescope. Alright so our third category is the best 
computerized or versatile telescope and this   one just hands down goes to the Celestron NexStar 
8SE. This is one of the most popular telescopes   of the decade it's just there's so much that you 
can do with this telescope. The 8SE is a fully   computerized go-to telescope it has eight inches 
of aperture and is a Schmidt Cassegrain design. This size telescope is what we call a deep sky 
telescope or a lifelong telescope.

Eight inches   of aperture is going to allow you to see 
some fantastic detail on the lunar surface,   the planets, and several deep sky objects 
especially if you're in dark skies the   views through these telescopes 
can be absolutely incredible. Now on top of that, you can insert a 
planetary camera just right where the   eyepiece would go and you can start taking 
photos of planets or the lunar surface. So the Celestron NexStar 8SE Bundle 1 on our 
website has everything that you need to get   started viewing the night that you get it. The 
8SE just has an extremely massive ecosystem of   accessories that you can use just to enhance 
your viewing experience.

So this is exactly   why the 8SE just falls number one on our list 
of best computerized or versatile telescopes. It was personally my first telescope back in 2015 
and it's what I started this entire journey on,   so I have a lot of respect for these 
telescopes. So the next category   is best tabletop telescopes and these are 
telescopes that you should use on a tabletop. It's the Sky-Watcher GTi Virtuoso 130 or 150 
millimeters. Right out of opening the box, you   pull it out and this thing is already assembled. 
There is no assembling this telescope which is   fantastic if you just want to use it that night. 
It is compact and you use it on your tabletop.

Now you could use this on the ground if 
you feel like viewing on your knees but a   tabletop so you're standing is just preferred. 
The five-inch or the six-inch mirror depending   on which version that you get and if you can 
get the six-inch version definitely go for   it because the light-gathering capacity 
of a six-inch mirror over a five-inch   mirror is actually pretty substantial but 
nonetheless, both of these telescopes are   capable of viewing deep space objects and 
planets and details on the lunar surface. It's always important to remember Charles Messier 
back in the 1700s was able to find all 110 Messier   objects through a four-inch refractor.

Now it 
probably could be used with a planetary camera;   we haven't tested it. We do have a video on 
the full experience of the GTi Virtuoso 130,   again a great little scope so if you're interested 
please watch that video, but we did not test it   with a planetary camera so I have no idea what 
the results would be. My main concern would be   the focuser, trying to focus a planetary camera 
but you know through an eyepiece it was no issue. It is the GTIiversion so it is fully computerized, 
it is fully go-to, and it tracks the objects in   the night sky rather well.

It is a fantastic 
option for anyone who just wants to bring your   telescope out for a quick viewing session, 
maybe take it camping or just pack it in the   back of your car and drive out to dark skies 
with it. It's a great scope and I experienced   a lot of pretty awesome views through it 
check out the video for more information. Moving on from the best tabletop telescopes of   2023 we're at our next category which 
is the best intermediate telescopes of   2023 and our number one option is the 
Celestron NexStar Evolution 9.25 inch.

As I mentioned this is the largest telescope on 
our list just like the NexStar 8SE it is fully   go-to and has a Schmidt Cassegrain design but 
the NexStar Evolution series of telescopes has   several upgrades, several useful upgrades that are 
going to improve your entire viewing experience. So what the nine-and-a-quarter-inch Evolution   as the NexStar 8SE doesn't have is built-in 
Wi-Fi, the ability to move your scope manually,   an internal lithium battery so you do 
not need a power adapter you can just   charge your telescope and go viewing wherever 
you like. And lastly, it has a more robust   mounting system that provides just better 
tracking and better performance in general.

Now all the accessories that I mentioned 
that are compatible with the NexStar   8SE are also compatible with the nine 
and a quarter inch NexStar Evolution. Now having a nine and a quarter inch mirror 
is going to allow you to see fainter and more   detail in brighter objects than the NexStar 
8SE would. Under dark skies you should see   the difference between the two, if they were 
side by side. Now if you had these scopes side   by side in the light polluted area being able 
to see the difference between the two would   probably be improbable. That being said the 
advantages come within the build quality of   the Evolution series itself. And on top 
of this due to the fact that this is the   largest telescope on our list it's going to 
be the top performer for planetary imaging. Alright so now it is time to reveal the 
best telescope of 2023 and it probably   won't surprise the veterans and amateur 
astronomy and it's a Dobsonian telescope   goes by the name of the Apertura AD8.

everything about this telescope just screams   quality and if you consider that along with the 
huge ecosystem of accessories and upgrades that   you can apply to the AD8 you're just looking at 
the best overall telescope of 2023 hands down. Now you'll find several different consumer-style 
telescopes out on the market but we have found   that the Apertura AD8 is just top of the list for 
several reasons. Moving the telescope up and down   or left and right is so smooth, it can be easily 
adjusted with more tension if that's the way you   like it. On the side of the telescope you even 
have the ability to adjust balance. The scope   also comes with a high-quality dual speed focuser 
which is really important when you're viewing the   planets or even globular clusters.

On top of 
all that the accessories that it comes with   is going to allow you to just have a fantastic 
first viewing experience. You can add upgrades   such as the Apertura Dobsonian Carrying Case 
you can do the Apertura Performance Upgrade   Kit and a transferable two-year warranty plus 
a three-year part replacement isn't too bad   either. The Apertura AD8 is a light bucket 
it's an 8-inch Apertura Dobsonian so great   for deep sky objects. But the number one thing 
that people fear with a fully manual telescope   like the AD8 is the fact that you do have to 
search and find these objects all on your own.

Now it's okay that this scope is completely 
manual, do not let that intimidate you. If   you want to learn the night sky, if you want 
to see awesome objects, if you know that you're   going to feel joy and find it rewarding 
to find these objects all on your own,   then the Apertura AD8 is definitely the scope to
consider. This scope is just extremely rewarding   and it's by far the most rewarding telescope 
on our list of best telescopes of 2023   there's a reason why all of us at High Point 
love this scope and there's a reason why all   of our customers love this scope; it's 
just the one we keep coming back to. Well that is it for our video on the best 
telescopes of 2023 we really hope that this   guide has helped you to determine which scope 
may be best for your personal needs and your   journey into amateur astronomy. If you have any 
questions or comments about any of these scopes,   please let us know and we'll be more 
than happy to help.

Also if you have   experience with these scopes yourself let 
us know your story we'd love to hear it. If this video has helped guide you toward 
your right scope please like and subscribe   to our channel so you don't miss 
any future astronomy content or   astrophotography content. On that note we 
thank you so much again and clear skies..

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